Kira Byrd is a trained barber, hairstylist, and hair care enthusiast who has created articles, videos, and products within the curly hair community since 2008. She specializes in protective styling techniques, creating hair care regimens, and hair type classifications.
Contact Me
- [email protected]
- Instagram.com/curlcentric/
- https://www.pinterest.com/curlcentric/
- YouTube.com/@curlcentric
- Twitter.com/Im_Akirashanti
- Linkedin.com/in/akirashantibyrd/
Mailing Address
1401 Doug Baker Blvd
Ste 107 604
Birmingham, AL 35242
Phone: 1 (844) 424-CURL
My Story
You can have "good hair" too. I am all for redefining “beautiful”. I know it starts with what I think. Back in 2006, I helped my oldest daughter through her mental transition.
“If you think your hair is ugly and nappy, or if you think you have good hair, you are right.”
Kira Byrd, Curl Centric
One fact that I continually reinforced with her was, “Regardless of what anyone else says, you have to believe that you have good hair. Period.”
When I was in transition and would see women with looser, shinier curls, the negative self-talk would begin.
I had to constantly repeat to myself, “Regardless of what anyone else says or my negative thoughts, there is nothing wrong with my hair. I will not be ashamed of it.”
Even though the negative thoughts didn’t stop immediately, I found a comeback and a way to disarm them.
“We all have a choice to decide what we accept as truth. I’ve decided that all hair, regardless of its texture and curl pattern, all hair is good hair.” Kira, Curl Centric
My relationship with Jesus Christ allowed me to dig down, redefine, and fortify my beliefs about my natural hair. In order for my mental transition to be successful, it required that I put a stake in the ground.
Ultimately picking a side and defining what my natural hair means to me, including how I perceive it – positively or negatively.
I believe the Bible, and it says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. So, I put the negative talk up against what the Word of God teaches us about ourselves, and they were polar opposites.
Would I continue to view my hair as dirty, ugly, nappy, unmanageable, unprofessional, and shameful? Or, I could remember that each strand of hair has been numbered and counted and view my hair as being fearfully and wonderfully made.
The transition wasn’t accomplished in three easy steps or from clicking a button for instant access to good hair. It was a process that I was willing to go through. My daughter needed me.
By helping her, I was able to help myself. Now, I hope to help others (including you). The journey was so worth it!
What are some of your negative “self-talk” conversations? How do you silence the chatter?
My Recommended Reading
- What Is Natural Hair?
- Hair Texture Chart
- Natural Hair Care Routine
- What Is Protective Styling?
- How to Take Care of 4C Hair
My Books
The Curly Kids Coloring Book is a revolutionary new coloring book that celebrates and encourages kids with naturally curly hair. This incredible book features over 60 pages of activities to help kids identify and embrace their unique hairstyles. It also includes pages that show children with natural curls in a positive way to help foster a sense of inclusion and acceptance among kids from all backgrounds.
Have you ever heard of The Loosey Goosey Tooth? The Loosey Goosey Tooth is a charming children's book written and illustrated by the author, Akirashanti "Kira" Byrd. In this story, the main character, Kennedy, is the last in her class to lose her first tooth. This bothers Kennedy initially, but she soon learns that patience and self-control are essential—especially regarding life milestones like losing a tooth!